Our Team
Our staff team are dedicated to ensuring all schools within our Trust flourish and achieve. Drawn from school teaching, support and leadership teams and enhanced by qualified and committed members of the community, we work together to achieve our goals.
QET's Executive & Trust Leadership Structure
Ms Chrysta Garnett
Since returning to the UK in 2017, she has also worked for the Bristol Local Authority as Head of School Partnerships and now for the Teaching School Council as Regional Strategy Lead and the Plymouth Secondary Strategy Co-Lead. This involves co-ordinating the Department of Education’s 2019-20 School Improvement Offer; establishing regional infrastructure to support system led improvement; and facilitating the newly formed ‘Team South West’ non-executive board at regional level and ‘Regional Education Partnership Boards’ at sub-regional level.
Chrysta also works with individual schools as a School Improvement Partner supporting leaders and teachers to drive change and improve outcomes as well as an NPQH/SL/ML assessor with Best Practice Network and NPQ facilitator with Bristol Cathedral Schools Trust. She is also a school Governor for St Katherine’s School in Bristol, as well as an Ambassador for Dementia Carers Count.