School Improvement Strategy
Every child deserves an exceptional education that increases life opportunities, regardless of their ability or background. To achieve this, it is our moral duty to ensure that teaching and learning and school leadership is the best it can be to enable excellence.
Our Trust fosters a model of continuous school improvement by:
- Using an evidence-informed model of school improvement which is outward-facing; bespoke to the needs of individual schools, responsive to local and national reform and resilient in the face of external challenges.
- Enabling school leadership teams to focus the majority of their actions on improving the quality of education. Improving teacher and leadership practice should be a central focus of leadership/strategic meetings at all levels of the school and Trust.
- Developing a culture of sharing best and impactful practice across the Trust with schools using consistent approaches to assessing, analysing and acting upon school improvement priorities.
- Ensuring that strong and strategic leadership and governance at all levels ensures improvement is supported, challenged and regularly evaluated.
- Making certain that that school improvement activity focusses on achieving strong attainment, and progress for all, especially for those from disadvantaged and vulnerable groups.
- Ensuring that investment in professional learning and development is evidence informed and prioritised to improve teaching, learning and wellbeing supported by a coherent talent management strategy that develops teachers and leaders to get better, faster.
- Developing high quality central services which serve school improvement, are cost-effective and part of an evolving and sustainable framework.
- Ensuring the model aligns with other Trust and academy structures and meeting schedules so that it is coherent, efficient and effective.