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Curriculum Statement of Intent

Curriculum decisions are underpinned by the QET vision and values, as follows:


‘Building Character and Shaping Futures’


  • Uniqueness: we commit to respecting and protecting the diverse and unique qualities of each individual and of each school in our Trust community. 
  • Community; we listen to, influence and play an active role in our community
  • Aspiration; we raise standards and provide opportunity for developing talents in all areas of life
  • Respect; we respect and celebrate the value and preciousness of each individual
  • Equity; we aim to enrich the unique life opportunities of all, overcoming barriers and achieving goals

The Quantock Education Trust Curriculum Intent

The Quantock Education Trust vision is to enrich life opportunities for all members of our community, working and learning together with aspiration, ambition, and care, in our schools and wider society. Our ethos is about ensuring children and young people are prepared for life and achieve academic success.  

Our intention is that children and young people who are educated within our Trust become ethical people who treat others with respect and compassion and stand up for what is right; they have cultural capital so can engage meaningfully in the world and with others, are skilled, knowledgeable, and resilient communicators with strong character and the ability to shape their own future.

The SMART principles listed below underpin strong curriculum design at the Quantock Education Trust:

  • A strong and carefully Sequenced curriculum, so that children and young people’s learning progresses in a way that builds knowledge intentionally and cumulatively
  • A curriculum that Motivates children and young people so they can value and experience joy in learning whilst developing their own unique voice.
  • An Ambitious curriculum, so that children and young people are challenged and empowered to think deeply and critically and grapple with complexity, challenge assumptions, question accepted authorities and embrace curiosity.
  • A curriculum that is Responsive, so that it meets the needs of children and young people in our local community as well as opening doors to the wider world.
  • A curriculum that is Transformative, so that children and young people can put their learning to use as active citizens, working for social justice, environmental stewardship and a healthy, equitable world, enabling them to build character and shape their future.

The Quantock Education Trust Curriculum Implementation

All schools in the Trust use an evidence-based approach to implementing effective teaching and learning. Prioritising Continuing Professional Development will ensure that all staff have the necessary skills and knowledge to deliver the highest standards across the curriculum. Leaders must have the necessary expertise to play a pivotal role in implementing the vision, design and delivery of the curriculum; ensuring a clear progression of both skills and knowledge across all year groups, underpinned by a robust assessment system.

The principles listed below underpin curriculum implementation:

  1. We have high expectations of learning behaviour and character development: All staff encourage children and young people to develop resilience and a conscientious and committed attitude to their learning.
  2. Quality instruction: Excellence is modelled and children and young people are supported in guided practice until they become independent and successful, knowledge is secure, and learning can progress.
  3. Quality assessment: High quality questions are used to deepen understanding and where retrieval practice is used to ensure children and young people know and remember more.
  4. Feedback for Progress: All staff provide clear and direct feedback that identifies strengths and areas for development. Children and young people reflect on their own progress and know what next steps to take.

Responsibilities for curriculum design, delivery and review

It is the role of the Trustees to ensure that the Trust’s curriculum intent and implementation are embedded securely and consistently across the Trust, ensuring that each school’s curriculum is ambitious and designed to give all children and young people, particularly those from under-resourced backgrounds and/or with SEND, the knowledge and skills to improve life chances.

It is the role of leaders, staff and Local Governors to agree, implement and evaluate the impact of the curriculum in their school and ensure it is underpinned by the Trust’s curriculum intent and implementation principles.